We are committed to helping our community and to reducing crime. Help us keep our communities safe by reporting illegal conduct and taking these precautionary steps to ensure a pleasant living community.
Types of Illegal Conduct that Should be Reported:
- Public Intoxication
- Littering
- Stealing of Property
- Entering Property Illegally
- Suspicious Activity
- Prowling
- Loitering
- Fighting
- Trespassing
- Aggressive Panhandling
- Public Urinating/Defecating
- Suspicious individuals camping or sleeping on property
- Behaving in a Threatening Manner
- Suspicious or unknown vehicles to the area
- Obstructing Sidewalks
Security Tips from the Police Department:
- Avoid Confrontations and Maintain a Safe Distance
- Keep your units well-lit inside and out
- Secure Entrances, Windows, and Outside Storage Sheds